The Sutherlin Blackberry Festival this year is August 20th - 22nd in Sutherlin, OR.
Friday will kick off our Poker Run with Rat Rod Round-Up and a Cruise-IN with live music featuring Neil Gregory Johnson hosted by Double R Powder Coating.
Saturday is our Car Show, BMX races, the Gambler 500 and Mud Volleyball.
Sunday is the Motorcycle show, a Cornhole Tournament, a Diaper Derby and the Mud Races.
There is a Swap Meet hosted by CWI Auto Sales all weekend plus Food & Craft Booths, Mystical Oasis Belly Dancing and don't forget to enter into the Blackberry & Chili Cook-offs.
Don't miss your chance to win this 1932 Model B Ford pickup.
Presale tickets are located at several businesses in Sutherlin.
Modifications may be made as we proceed.
Please find us on Facebook and our website